Telescopes and Microscope

Suitable for a wide age range, starting from young children's first telescope and microscope up to teenagers.

Suitable for a wide age range, starting from young children's first telescope and microscope up to teenagers.

Super Microscope 1200x - Scientific Instruments - Science Museum Shop
My First Microscope 300x - Scientific Instruments - Science Museum Shop
Nancy B’s Science Club Microscope & Activity Journal - Experiments - Science Museum Shop
Science Mad Microscope 100x - Scientific Instruments - Science Museum Shop
Smartphone Microscope - Scientific Instruments - Science Museum Shop
Science Museum Group E-Gift Card

Whether you fancy exploring the breathtaking universe through an astronomical telescope or uncovering the miniature world with a microscope. we have the right telescope for you. Suitable for a wide age range, starting from young children's first telescope and microscope up to teenagers.