Genetic and DNA Lab Kit

Low in Stock £35.00

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Embark on a captivating journey into the realm of genetics and DNA with the Genetic and DNA Lab Kit. Step into the laboratory and unravel the complexities of genetics, the scientific discipline that delves into heredity and variation within living organisms. Dive deep into the DNA, the remarkable acid that houses life's intricate blueprints. Witness genetic material firsthand as you isolate DNA from a tomato, a hands-on encounter that demystifies this essential biological element.

Delve into the intricacies of inheritance, tracing how traits pass from one generation to the next. Grasp the nuances of dominant and recessive genes through engaging inheritance games that predict trait expression. Uncover the wonders of biology that underpin reproduction, cell composition, and the fusion and duplication of chromosomes. More Details

Full Product Description

Construct a model to observe the exquisite double-stranded helical structure of DNA, revealing its elegant complexity. Unlock the genetic code, assembling nucleotides into intricate patterns that shape life.

Explore the impact of mutation on genes and discover how scientists clone plants and animals. Your journey is supported by a comprehensive 48-page manual, filled with vivid imagery and illuminating insights.


age group

8+ years

Not included

Denatured alcohol, table salt, dishwashing liquid, teaspoon, yogurt cups, ruler, knife, scissors, markers, plastic wrap, blender, tomato, glass jar and microwave

Product code


product dimensions

25.4 x 28 x 6.5cm

Safety warning

Warning: this set contains chemicals and/or parts that may be harmful if misused. Read cautions on individual containers and in manual carefully. Not to be used by children except under adult supervision. Only for use by children over 10 years old. To be used solely under the strict supervision of adults who have studied the precautions given in the experimental set. Contains some chemicals which are classified as safety hazards. Read the instructions before use, follow them, and keep them for reference. Do not allow chemicals to come into contact with any part of the body, particularly the mouth and eyes. Keep young children and pets away from experiments. Store the chemistry set out of reach of young children. Eye protection for supervising adults is not included. Not suitable for children under 3 years. Choking hazard due to small parts. Contains functional sharp points or edges that pose a risk of injury. Keep packaging and manual for information. You can find a list of hazards and precautionary statements for the hazardous substances (chemicals) contained in this experimental kit on the inner side flaps of the box.

Suitable for

Adults and children

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